Tvorite vprašanja, ki se začnejo na KAJ ČE ….? Vprašanja naj bodo domiselna, humorna … na temo SVETOVI.

Celjski grofi ne bi izumrli?
Nikoli ne bi odkrili ognja?
Zahodno Rimsko cesarstvo ne bi propadlo?
Kolumb ne bi odkril Amerike?
Bi grški filozofi še živeli?
Bi Leonardo Da Vinci uresničil vse svoje zamisli?
Ne bi bilo 1. in 2. svetovne vojne?

~ 3.aMOUP

Kaj če človeško telo ne bi bilo tabu?
Kaj če človeštvo ne bi bilo tako sebično?
Kaj če Zemlja ne bi bila ploščata?
Kaj če Zemlja ne bi bila okrogla?

Kaj če ne bi bilo rasizma, seksizma, terorizma?
Kaj če se bi vsi imeli radi?
Kaj če ne bi bilo lakote?
Kaj če bi bilo morje čisto?
Kaj če bi bili vsi zdravi?
Kaj če bi vsi skupaj držali in naš svet vzdrževali?

What if …?

What if all crime was legal?
What if there was a world where Spiderman was real?
What if there was a world where everyone was Vegan?
What if there was a world where everyone was bald?
What if there was a world where we didn’t exploit animals for human entertainment?
What if water was green and leaves transparent?
What if Gordon Ramsay was illegal?
What if dogs would live forever?
What if there was no capitalism?
What if there would be no religion?
What if Bush wouldn’t have planned 9/11?
What if white people didn’t exist?
What if Great Britain was Bad Britain?
What if JaPAN was JaPONEU in Slovenian?
What if the world would end in 2012?
What if grass was pink and unicorns didn’t exist?
What if if was what and what was if?
What if no one would invent headphones?
What if there was a world where tea and Tom Holland would be married?

~ Evelin Krajnc, Tea Ritlop, Tilen Hebar, Maja Laubič

What if there’s only one world?
What if there’s more worlds, just like ours, with perfectly identical people living there?
What if there’s another you, on a different planet, in a different world?
What if they’re thinking the exact same thoughts like you right now?
What if we’re just an experiment, being controled by a higher forces?
What if there’s only one world, our world, and we’re destroying it?
What if you’re actually mentally ill, and you’re just imagining everything?

~ Pija Smodiš, Tinkara Mlakar, Vanja Abraham, Žana Žohar, Lea Strniša